Governing Structure

Founders -- Dr. Macel & Carol Ely
President -- Dr. Macel Ely
Vice-President and Secretary -- Carol Ely

Board of Directors

Rev. Wesley D. Courtney -- Pastor of Revival Temple in Walker, Louisiana
Dr. Macel Ely -- Founder and President of Barnabas Ministries International
Carol D. Ely -- Co-Founder, Vice-President and Secretary of Barnabas Ministries International
Rev. David Gibson -- Pastor Emeritus of Charity Tabernacle in Indianapolis, Indiana Rev. Mickey Hale -- Pastor of Freedom Ministries in Richlands, Virginia
Rev. J. Howard Jones -- Pastor of Trinity Gospel Tabernacle in Nortonville, Kentucky Rev. Mark Sarver -- Pastor of Church On The Rock in Berea, Kentucky
Rev. Robert Wells -- Pastor Emeritus of Harvest Time Tabernacle in Abbeville, Louisiana